See your data from 3 Credit Reference Agencies, Experian, Equifax & Transunion.
Checkmyfile gives an up-to-date and detailed report on your credit history and the financial events that have affected your credit score.
It’s FREE for 30 days and really easy to cancel
Your data is 100% secure. We guarantee never to sell your personal data
Checkmyfiles is highest rated on Trustpilot
By clicking the link, you will need to register your details with Checkmyfile and enter into a free 30-day trial period. This will allow enough time for you to register your information and download your report.
Should you fail to cancel within the offer period or choose not to do so, Checkmyfile will charge you a subscription fee of £14.99 per month thereafter.
To get the best from this service, please ensure you register all of your primary and/or associated addresses within the last 6 years.
It should be noted that lenders will not be assessing the report produced from Checkmyfile and will undertake their own research and assessment.
If you do not cancel within the free trial period you will be charged £14.99 monthly thereafter. R3 Mortgages Ltd has a commercial affiliate arrangement with Check My FIle and is remunerated for referrals regardless of when you cancel.